This chapter describes the service recovery function. It includes the following sections:
When powering on, the 2212 runs some diagnostic routines, loads boot code, and then runs the operational code. The operational code resides on the 2212's compact FLASH or hard file. If the system determines that the compact FLASH or hard file is unusable, you will need to recover it. A compact FLASH or hard file failure automatically places you at the service recovery function SVC> prompt.
If you are instructed by a service representative to use the service recovery function to update the 2212 boot code do the following to access the service recovery function:
Please press the space bar to obtain the console.
press the space bar.
You will then see the message:
Space bar was pressed during IPL. Do you wish to enter the service menu?[Y/N] (in 10 seconds, N will be defaulted)
If you enter Y or Yes, the SVC> prompt is displayed. If you enter anything else, the 2212 continues booting. If you do nothing, a 10-second timer expires and booting continues.
This section describes the service recovery commands and tells you where to
find the descriptions for these commands. This section also describes
the commands unique to the service recovery function.
Table 5. Service Recovery Commands
The following commands perform change management functions for the service recovery function and are described in Change Management Configuration Commands: | |
Command | Function |
? (Help) | Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help". |
Add | Adds an optional description to a configuration file. |
Copy | Copies boot files and configuration files to or from banks. |
Describe | Displays information about the stored loadfile images. |
Erase | Erases a stored image or a configuration file. |
List | Displays information about configuration files and scheduled load information. |
Lock | Prevents the device from overwriting the selected configuration with any other configuration. |
Set | Selects code bank and configuration to be used. |
TFTP | Initiates TFTP file transfers between the IBM 2212 and remote servers. |
Unlock | Removes the lock from a configuration allowing the configuration to be updated by the device. |
Exit | Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment". |
The following Service Recovery function commands are described after this table. | |
Command | Function |
? (Help) | Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help". |
Add | Adds a phrase that names or describes a particular configuration. |
Baudrate | Specifies the baud rate of the 2212 service port. |
Bootmode |
Sets the bootmode.
Copy | Copies the software or configuration. |
Debug | Switches to the debugger command menus. |
Describe | Describes the software level information. |
Dump | Sets the system dump parameters. |
Erase | Erases the software or configuration. |
Interface | Sets the recovery interface parmeters. |
List | Lists the bank information. |
Lock | Locks the configuration file. |
Reboot | Reboots the 2212. |
Set | Locks the configuration file |
TFTP | Transfers TFTP software and configuration files. |
Unlock | Unlocks the configuration file. |
VPD | Specifies vital product data. |
Writeboot | Writes boot code from flash memory to the hard file. |
Writeos | Writes operational code from a memory bank to the hard drive. |
Zmodem | Transfers zmodem software and configuration files. |
The service function also supports the diags command which is described in Diags. |
Use the add command to add a user-specified description of a particular configuration, which is selected by bank and config number.
Use the baudrate command to specify the baud rate of either of the 2212 service ports.
You will be prompted to select one of the two service ports and to configure the speed for that port. For any of the valid values, however, the speed must match the speed configured for the ASCII terminal. See the installation instructions for more information on setting the service port speed.
Valid values: 2400, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bps
Default value: 19200 bps
Use the bootmode command to program the IBM 2212 to boot one of 3 different ways. Normally only used for service. Default is normal boot.
Valid values: 1, 2, or 3
Default value: 3
svc>bootmode ? Current Boot Mode: Normal Boot from disk. Valid boot modes are: 1. Boot from Recovery Block, stop at svc> prompt. 2. Boot from Disk, stop at svc> prompt. 3. Normal Boot from Disk. Select the appropriate boot mode by number:
Use the copy command to copy the software or the configuration.
svc>copy BankA -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+ | IMAGE - PENDING | | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 | | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL | | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 | | CONFIG 2 - AVAIL | | 09 Jan 1998 10:40 | | CONFIG 3 - AVAIL | | 06 Jan 1998 15:46 | | CONFIG 4 - PENDING * | | 02 Jan 1998 11:51 | +------ BankB -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+ | IMAGE - AVAIL | | 14 Feb 1998 15:38 | | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL * | | 03 Feb 1998 14:43 | | CONFIG 2 - AVAIL | | 22 Jan 1998 13:43 | | CONFIG 3 - AVAIL | | 06 Jan 1998 17:25 | | CONFIG 4 - AVAIL | | 26 Jun 1998 09:48 | +------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------+ Load or Config? c Enter source bank <A|B>: a Enter source config <1-4>:3 Enter destination bank : b Enter destination config <1-4>: 3 /hd0/sys0/CONFIG2 --> /hd0/sys1/CONFIG2 Copy configuration command successful!
Use the debug command to switch to the debugger command menus.
Attention: Use this command only under the direction of service personnel.
Use the describe command to view the software level information.
svc>describe +-------------------------+-------------------------+ | BANK A | BANK B | | Product ID - 2212-AIS | Product ID - 2212-AIS | | Version 3 Release 2 | Version 3 Release 2 | | Mod 0 PTF 0 | Mod 0 PTF 0 | | Mod 0 PTF 0 | Mod 0 PTF 0 | | Feat. 3763 RPQ 0 | Feat. 3763 RPQ 0 | | Date 8 Aug 1998 03:02 | Date 8 Aug 1998 03:02 | | Build cc_158e | Build cc_158e | | build | build | +-------------------------+-------------------------+
Use the dump command to manipulate the IBM 2212 dump mode. You can enable/disable, specify local/remote dump, and if remote, specify where the dump gets sent.
svc>dump This command enables or disables system dump and selects the dump target as disk or remote host. Dump is currently disabled. Do you want to enable dump? y Dump is currently enabled. Dump Target: Remote Host on Network. Enter Dump Target (Disk or Network or <enter> to keep current value): Remote Host settings: IP address: Remote Filename: /foo/foo Remote file will be compressed and "0.cmp", "1.cmp", or "2.cmp" will be appended to the end of the filename. Do you want to set or change the remote dump parameters ? n
svc>dump This command enables or disables system dump and selects the dump target as disk or remote host. Dump is currently enabled. Do you want to disable dump ? y Dump is currently disabled. Dump Target: Remote Host on Network. Enter Dump Target (Disk or Network or <enter> to keep current value): Remote Host settings: IP address: Remote Filename: /foo/foo Remote file will be compressed and "0.cmp", "1.cmp", or "2.cmp" will be appended to the end of the filename. Do you want to set or change the remote dump parameters ? y Press <enter> to save current setting. Enter IP address ( form): Enter remote path and filename (32 chars max): /tmp/2212dump Enter Remote File Compression Mode (Compressed or Uncompressed): compressed Remote Host settings: IP address: Remote Filename: /tmp/2212dump Remote file will be compressed and "0.cmp", "1.cmp", or "2.cmp" will be appended to the end of the filename. Do you want to save the new network dump parameters ? y Remote Host settings: IP address: Remote Filename: /tmp/2212dump Remote file will be compressed and "0.cmp", "1.cmp", or "2.cmp" will be appended to the end of the filename. You must reboot in order for these changes to take effect.
Use the erase command to erase the software or configuration.
You will be prompted to erase either the config or the load.
Use the interface command to configure the IBM 2212 to have a recovery LAN interface. This is used in the event the full router is not functional, and especially in cases of hardware service, should the IBM 2212's primary code/config storage have a problem.
You can create a configuration that includes adapters that are not currently installed.
svc>interface Current Interface settings: Device Type: Ethernet Slot Number: 1 Port Number: 1 IP address: Net Mask: Warning: There is currently no adapter in slot 1. Do you want to set or change the interface parameters ? y Press to save current setting. Enter LAN interface type (Eth or Tkr): eth Enter Slot Number (1-5): 1 Enter Port Number (1-2): 1 Enter IP address ( form) : Enter Netmask ( form): Current Interface settings: Device Type: Ethernet Slot Number: 1 Port Number: 1 IP address: Net Mask: Warning: There is currently no adapter in slot 1. Do you want to save the new interface parameters ? y Current Interface settings: Device Type: Ethernet Slot Number: 1 Port Number: 1 IP address: Net Mask: Warning: There is currently no adapter in slot 1. You must reboot in order for these changes to take effect.
Use the list command to list the bank information
Use the lock command to lock the configuration file
Use the reboot command to reboot the 2212 after writing either the boot code or the operational code. The system performs all diagnostics and then loads the boot and operational code normally.
Note: | Whether or not the operational code is loaded normally depends on how the bootmode is set. |
Use the set command to activate software and the configuration.
svc>set ? +------ BankA -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+ | IMAGE - PENDING | | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 | | CONFIG 1 - PENDING * | | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 | | CONFIG 2 - AVAIL | | 09 Jan 1998 10:40 | | CONFIG 3 - AVAIL | | 06 Jan 1998 15:46 | | CONFIG 4 - AVAIL | | 02 Jan 1998 11:51 | +------ BankB -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+ | IMAGE - AVAIL | | 03 Feb 1998 14:42 | | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL * | | 03 Feb 1998 14:43 | | CONFIG 2 - AVAIL | | 22 Jan 1998 13:43 | | CONFIG 3 - AVAIL | | 06 Jan 1998 17:25 | | CONFIG 4 - AVAIL | | 26 Jun 1998 09:48 | +------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------+ Enter target bank <A|B>: a Enter target config <1-4>:
Use the tftp command to transfer software and/or configuration files onto the IBM 2212.
svc>tftp ? +------ BankA -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+ | IMAGE - PENDING | | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 | | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL | | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 | | CONFIG 2 - AVAIL | | 09 Jan 1998 10:40 | | CONFIG 3 - AVAIL | | 06 Jan 1998 15:46 | | CONFIG 4 - PENDING * | | 02 Jan 1998 11:51 | +------ BankB -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+ | IMAGE - AVAIL | | 03 Feb 1998 14:42 | | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL * | | 03 Feb 1998 14:43 | | CONFIG 2 - AVAIL | | 22 Jan 1998 13:43 | | CONFIG 3 - AVAIL | | 06 Jan 1998 17:25 | | CONFIG 4 - AVAIL | | 26 Jun 1998 09:48 | +------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------+ Load or Config?l Specify the server IP Address: Enter destination bank <A|B>:
Use the unlock command to unlock the configuration file.
Use the vpd command to enter 2212 vital information.
Use the writeboot command to write the 2212 bootstrap code to system card boot flash from the specified software load bank. You will receive a message telling you that the write was successful. Use the reboot command to cause the 2212 to reboot after the system writes the code.
SVC> writeboot Enter bank to write boot code from (A,B) [A]? B Boot code written successfully.
Use the writeos command to write a new version of the operating system code to the recovery block on the system card's FLASH from the specified software load bank. The system prompts you for the bank from which the code is copied. You will receive a message telling you that the write was successful. Use the reboot command to cause the 2212 to reboot after the system writes the code.
SVC> writeos Enter bank to write os from (A,B) [A]? B Operational code written successfully.
Use the zmodem command to transfer software and configuration files onto the IBM 2212. The interface for transferring is designed so that you cannot overwrite any active file.
Note: | When using zmodem to transfer several files ending in .ld (multiple load module image), you must transfer each of the modules one by one to get the entire load module image. |